The value of partnerships is oft times underestimated but there is strong merit in acknowledging the need for symbiosis as humanitarian organizations pursue their missions in an effort to do good. We often try to do too much by ourselves and in the process compromise the standard and quality of our work. When dealing with the most critical resource for mission effectiveness, the human resource; we cannot “cease from exploration”. We have to constantly review , update and test our ideas, processes and “way of doing things” as we recruit, develop, mentor and retain staff.
Intriguingly, the department that works for the good of human resources is often ignored, relegated and in some instances non-existent. It is often one of the first departments to face cuts when things go south. All to often there are not enough people in the HR department to adequately meet the organizational needs and HUMHR believes that partnership can fill that gap in a cost effective manner.
HumHR (pronounced “Humor or Humour” – [(h)yo͞omər]) was founded to serve the humanitarian world through a well-connected network of partners in the United States, Africa and the Caribbean. We harness the power of partnerships to provide a dynamic boutique service that places high quality candidates while developing a continuous talent pool.
The mission of HUMHR is to provide a seamless value-add service to our clients in a simple, ethical and transparent manner. This blog will be used as an interactive forum to chat with you about the services we offer or share with you insights from our experiences in the HR world.
We look forward to “partnering with you to do good”!
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